Who are "RAPIST" ?

When I see those Delhi Rape culprits and their hideous crime I think will mere a simple Death sentence can do the justice? Can it do anything to decrease the coming decades long agony . Why will the numbers of rape  decrease, because u hanged one?
 Be practical, even if its your's parents death after a decade you will let go and move on.If I think like the impulsive protesters I would rather burn the culprits to third degree and let him live and show his pics on TV as advertisements probably every sunday, decade after decade to inflict the pain and empathy.
But that's not at all my point.
Let me ask you a question
 Did those "bus folks" knew that they where going to rape a girl? As its very simple for even a lame too to understand that he cant run away from this Big one!.As we call them "monster" or "blot on humanity" ,did SATAN himself sent them to rape her ? Is there anyone like "certified Rapist" or How do you know you are not going to be a future rapist ?  Tell him that his mother was raped and killed, will he still be unmoved?

The answer is no, they are common man  if u cut his arm with blade it will bleed, he will cry .He is not satan sent and I bet,if you chain him on a chair next to that girl in hospital all throughout her operations and let him watch her pain ,I am sure he will feel something, may be very faint but deep beneath he will.

Pardon if am now going to compare rape with a very small phenomena ,its just an example to understand the culprits mindset ( and it no were means that they shall be punished any less).
In school when I was slapped by a teacher, deep beneath I felt like "Killing Him",but I did not .Similarly When I failed in an exam I felt like suciding but did not because Common people have inbuilt "default settings" like:

What's wrong and what's right,what it will lead to,Is my mom-dad going to accept this.This is "moral Fibre" which stops impulsive behaviour and forces you to "Think".And what we do depends how thick it is or how much damaged it is.
Everything from negative surroundings,porns,so called provocative clothes can damage your MORAL FIBRE....but "only if you allow it to or you are weak enough". And everything like "inflicting fear from death penalty, your parents teaching,positive surroundings, strong heart,empathy strengthens your "Moral fibre".

I Don't have any conclusions,How can I have? I have never faced such situation.Its simply that you donno who's Moral fibre will break anytime,who's gonna rape next moment  and Even Osama's killing could not exterminate terrorism ( yeah suppressed a lill though). Just dont keep guns And kill all suspects , If you can built their moral fibre.!

The aim should be that next time a guy thinks of touching a girl ,he should not stop because he may get caught by police but coz his "inner-self" can force him to for see
 what he is doing ?
what it will lead to?
what if  the person is his mother ,sister or relative?
Will people connected to him will be proud of?
And finally if  he gets caught ,what will death penalty feel like?

Lets be practical  "moral fibre" thing is too slow and we are "fast food generation" so the 3rd degree burning and showing on tv to inflict fear ( that's btr than hanging ofcourse) is best.. !!


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