ARUN Jetley's speech in Rajya Sabha (26th-feb-2015 )

1) coal block allocation is reverse allocation (for power sector) , that is base price is fixed and lowest bidder gets the block for electricity so they have to distribute electricity at lower prices and other sectors like steel etc will have normal auction that is base price is fixed and highest bidder will get it. But in UPA it was done bay discretionary machinery which allocated it and got zero money from it and UPA said it was zero loss allocation.
2) should OIL price be reduced as it is heavily fluctuating in international market?
-there was a historical backlog which oil companies had and by this reduction in oil price in international market the oil companies have lost of about 30k crores.were to account for this and one thing more, the inventory loss itself is about 30k crore, so these companies wont be crushed ?
3) Land Acquisition hype:-
When the act was made under UPA gov, this act had a section 105 ( scheduled 4) in which they had put put 13 pieces of sectors including railway,highway,coal ,atomic energy.These 13 purposes where "exempted purposes", which did not need consent or social impact assessmentand not even food security conciderations is required and purpose where it was defective- UPA put defense as urgency purpose but forgot to put it as exempted purpose (is it against India's national defense interest ?) . So if Gov. of India needs land for defense purpose or nuclear installations then there will be unnecessary complications like getting consent from 70 % of people around and then they will do social impact assessment and if they can't complete installation in 5 yrs then it has to stop the work.
The act says
In a daunting move Arun jetly challenged Antony( last defense minister to come up with papers and say no, if strategically important works weren't being held-up because of this bill.
2nd point to note ( rural infrastructure)- irrigation was not an exempted purpose (even though UPA gave assurance in LS and RS both that it will be done. )
Aptly said by Arun jetly
" Pradhan mantry gramsadak youjna..bhul jaiye usko jamin nai milegi, rural electrification -jamin nai milegi, aur Sharad yadav ji and Mayawati ji keh rahe hain ki corporate ki madad kar rahe hain hum "
3rd point to note- housing for poor, that is not built by builders but a responsibility of gov.
4th- 15 % of GDP is of agriculture and it is shared by 60 % population and main aim is to take out at least 20 % in this decade and give them infrastructure/job and THat would require foreign companies to set up factories and give them job but nah ! we will strangle them for getting a land acquisition.
In an argument made that the (amendment) Bill is anti-farmer and anti-poor… He said
"You (Congress) have been in government for far more years than us…You know…Please don’t create an environment where infrastructure and industry become bad words…That is the biggest concern of this debate (on land acquisition)…That’s exactly what you are doing,”.


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