Hindustan Petroleum, Last Days

I and Chandan were sitting on the abandoned 4-lane wondering where HPCL will give me posting and how to prepare for I.E.S interview parallel to job.Who would have thought that the small beautiful plant in front of that abandoned 4-lane  will be the place  I will spend my next one year.

The best part with a small journey is that I remember everything clearly right from the first day.Be it Rajat sir's (he was our first plant manager)  precise handling,weighting and his  farsightedness for any situation, inborn sarkari babu talent of Madhu Kant (colleague), Anand sir's composure and work distribution and people management,Raju (office Boy), Hulash, Murmu,Tirkey,

Before Joining HPCL or NBCC I thought government jobs were best because they provided financial stability and ease of work. But now I realize they are secondary and trivial. Now I can relate to what guddu bhaiya said when i was in 12th, "essence of a psu/government firm is its ground level situation tackling and people management". People look upto you for all matters, your confidence in your decision reflects the working environment. You may have to get work out from a village miscreant who is hell bent on not doing quality work and not even allowing others to replace him, with whom your arguments might not work has he had not been to school to relate to your reasons.You may have to deal with factory and labor department who though educated but not in a hassle to let you do your work or even the contractors with powerful background who are not in a habit of listening.
That is what makes it even more interesting, you have to make the optimum progressive decision balancing all scenarios sometimes in blink of an eye with full confidence.

 I could have learned more, made even more mistakes but well, there is no limit to learning.
But looking at bigger picture I am blessed to start my career with such a competitive and challenging  environment.

Snapshots of Plant-

Fire mock drill conducted infront of LPG storage facility.

Raju, our houseboy in Doremon outfit

Safety Training and Written test of non management employees conducted by me.

Fire Safety Drill at LPG Tank truck decanting Station


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