
It was like a fog surrounding me and I could not do anything except  waiting  for the haze to clear or  move in any arbitrary direction,but if you don’t have a clue what your aim is ,then what?? wait or move it wont matter.
In my case i moved,i don’t know where but in hope that somewhere -somehow i will know the reason of my existence.In the way ,at a crossroad I found some people doing things which they proclaimed as their aim,I joined them and thought that, may be  my aim was same or if not then may be i would get any clue.After i moved with them far away from the starting point, working with them and achiving their…or may be my aim…I stopped for a few moments and closed my eyes to figure it out….have i got that??…a voice from inside echoed,but it was also not clear,what i could make out was that ,it was a NO…
i opened my eyes and found myself to be at another crossroad with another group of people preparing to move then i turned in search of my group,but i found nothing,i felt weak because till now i was guided by them or might be they became a part of my identity.
i ran here and there ,cried but could not find any of my group’s member.I returned to that crossroad,and collapsed on ground and fainted.When i opened my eyes i saw that still new group of people was there but they were not looking at me,busy among themselves,preparing like they were before i fainted.I was left with no option but to join them and move on….accepting their aim as mine,and working with them till i achieved that aim .
Again and again ……..crossroad and as expected ,i found myself alone …like this i followed many crossroads ,achieved many aims,and still the inner voice seemed to say no!!!!.I moved on and on and on..till i reached a crossroad which was not hazy…enlightened by some invisible light source,nor any person was there..the crossroad was like a garden full of different flowers and colours,unlike others it was not fogy,birds on trees chirping like it was the best morning they had ever seen.I was totally confused so, i again closed my eyes, a few moments later i felt like some one’s hand was on my shoulder,i turned around and saw an old man with a generous smile of satisfaction looking straight into my eyes  and before i could say anything he told “now ask yourself have you achieved”..i asked myself and a clear voice from inside said Yes…..
The old man said “welcome to my world”…..SON its not about a particular aim .I have made you to explore ,adapt and add something to my world and you did that.Your ultimate aim is to reach me and you are successful……..
I opened my eyes and saw my son ,daughter and my wife praying to god with a bunch of flowers in front of my coffin ….
my wife said “may his soul rest in peace”
amen amen………………………………………


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