To our prof's ,students are machines

It is in front of you because there was no other way to bring some light to hideous face of our college. Its discipline and way of turning students into a good person is taking a toll . I don’t have any right to judge my college, but coming to the end of this you will be the judge yourself.May be the cases of suicide can be claimed to be due to mental instability and drug addiction can be claimed to be due to lack of character as hailed by our professors but the way khushi sharma is facing the plight  ,I think I would have broken down a way early and I don’t have that much guts to carry on as she is trying to do .Khushi sharma , a mechanical engineering student of nit calicut ,is suffering from a disease named “cangetrophy”( in simple words in this the patient becomes suddenly unconscious and may take 1 hr or even 10 hrs to be again normal. She has lost many things in life due to this but never gave up,and still she is trying harder and harder to make things normal.And I think to our”TOO PROFESSIONAL PROFESSORS” it’s a grievous fault. She had already lost one year because of this ,and when she returned back she had to face the wrath of professors .No I am not saying that all professors are bad some have helped too but we can’t expect from senior professors accusing like “Its your excuse of not attending classes”.He even did not heed to the request of showing the attendance so she could apply for con donation if necessary,and in the end she even went to coordinator but he said “we don’t have any record of ur attendence”.TELL ME IF I DON’T KNOW WHETHER I HAVE ATTENDANCE SHORTAGE OR NOT  THEN HOW YOU CAN APPLY FOR ONE”. Everyone’s said its professors fault but what can I do., coz here profs are like god( say a word again him and you will fail for sure). She was not allowed to attend exam and harassed to take the con donation at that moment, I am 20 yrs old but still I don’t know How its possible.????? Imagine her running here and there for getting her condonation( poor girl!! who don’t know weather she will  fall unconscious  next moment )..Who says guys are stronger ,for this girl has faced the days ,that she went to do two mech labs, I repeat 2 at a time at noon after a feat in morning,.Atleast for me one would have been enough for whole night rest.
 She was not allowed to go out of hostels coz of her problems and was asked to called home to send someone to take care off her,and I don’t find any flaw in this but when her mom finally arrived ,after sometime she was not allowed to enter in the LH. And comments like “its not your home ,for how long will your mom stay here,its nt “dharam shala”( Damn!! All guest house are empty all the time  ).And those dumb fool ,idiots you r so much concerned about the electicity bills on her mom ,where your concern went when your own Dean gulped away “HUNDREDS OF CRORES IN THE MEGA HOSTEL PROJECT”.And for the worst comments related to personal life from senior professors who even teach 4th years ,can break anyone down.
What she needed was a little help from the professors but seems like the the old proverb that”if god and guru is standing in front of you bow to the guru first”,were mere word of an old crap book written by any insane……..
I am not accusing any one ,nor do I have the right but its up to you people to decide ‘does she deserve a little help or not”..
Or if u cant decide or can help please pray with me for her fast recovery…….
Its for you………………………


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